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Release Date: 05/27/2005
Rating: PG
Starring: N/A
Synopsis: N/A
Trailer: N/A
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Anticipation Level: 3.89
Opening Weekend Prediction 46-50 mil.
Micro Review
Your Grade:  B+
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Green reviews are from users who graded the move a B or higher.
Black reviews are from users who graded a movie between a B- and a C-.
Red reviews are from users who graded the movie a D+ or lower.
Alex roar but I snore. - Silverflicks Funny! - Donez Good, but not as good as shrek or any of the pixar films. - The Aviator
Fun movie nice and short! - Alligator Al Really cute! - Cebu Wow, this was a bad movie all the way around. Just plain bad. - zkeeper99
Cute movie not as good as Shrek though. - Darunia i feel asleep so i would have to say bad - air man Not as good as Shrek, but still is a good movie. - Gurl In the Boots
DreamWorks finally gets what makes Pixar's movies so popular! - weekendwarrior Pretty cute and funny! - Ivilace The best kids movie of the year - movieman1234567890
Not funny, nothing new and very dull. - rodrino Funny, nice clean family film! - Servo not my cup of tea - racer2235
Good, but overrated. - Yellow Jacket Moderately interesting, never funny; small children will enjoy it - FullEyes lots of laughs, chimps & penguins a hoot. less funny 3rd act. - moviedude
one of the best animated films of the year - movieman20062007 Well done! - Wario Very blah from an adult's standpoint. - The EZ1
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