Green reviews are from users who graded the move a B or higher.
Black reviews are from users who graded a movie between a B- and a C-.
Red reviews are from users who graded the movie a D+ or lower.
great performances marred by so-so movie - mismarketed as horror - moviedude |
How is water supposed to be scary? Oh wait, it's DARK water. Crap - Yellow Jacket |
A glass of water may be more entertaining than this. - The EZ1 |
Kind of slow, more psychological than horror, kid was cute though - The Wolfpack |
Good acting, well-told story, but ending confused me. - FullEyes |
nice symbolism + good acting = complete bore, what happened? - macphisto6 |
A good drama...not an especially good thriller. Nothing new. - weekendwarrior |
very s l o w - racer2235 |
Lost the sense of atmosphere that made the original interesting. - Draxhall |