Green reviews are from users who graded the move a B or higher.
Black reviews are from users who graded a movie between a B- and a C-.
Red reviews are from users who graded the movie a D+ or lower.
The trailer had all the funny bits in it..... - racer2235 |
Random and funny as hell. Not at all a suck-fest :) - Marley209 |
Had its fair share of laughs, but not as funny as the TV show. - Yellow Jacket |
I'm embarassed to say that I laughed a lot at this film. - Draxhall |
funny but dumb, more good than bad i suppose. letdown. - moviedude |
Struggled to stretch the bit to feature length but a fun ride. - macphisto6 |
No laughs, just utterly moronic, surprisingly amateurish improv. - FullEyes |
the special on C-central about the movie was just as funny - air man |
Just like the show, but on a beach. - The EZ1 |
actually funny. lowbrow and raunchy but had some laughs - movieman20062007 |