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Descent, The
Release Date: 08/04/2006
Rating: R
Starring: N/A
Synopsis: N/A
Discussion: Descent, The (below)
Trailer: N/A
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Anticipation Level: 3.00
Opening Weekend Prediction 11-15 mil.
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Your Grade:  A-
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Green reviews are from users who graded the move a B or higher.
Black reviews are from users who graded a movie between a B- and a C-.
Red reviews are from users who graded the movie a D+ or lower.
The "monsters" make no sense and it wasn't scary. Just okay. - SolC9 gr8 setting, photography, acting, story, scares, action & score. - moviedude Horrific, intense and tension through the roof. Is that enough? - FullEyes
Great Horror movie! - racer2235 Strong visuals, interesting subtext and motivations. - Janazz So atmospheric. Terrifying and brilliant. - movieman
Had its moments, but lost its touch throughout. - Yellow Jacket Will keep you at the edge of your seat- dont miss it. - Silverflicks A visual masterpiece. Oh and it's also pretty damn scary. - rodrino
Chills, shudders, jump-out-of-your-seat horror flick. Yum! - Norman Tinio Extremely effective scarefest with many surprises and twists - weekendwarrior Why did this take so long to make it to the U.S.? Good Movie. - The EZ1
Scariest film I've seen in a long time. - macphisto6
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